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 In order to improve the quality of the developed investment projects and to introduce advanced methods of organization and execution of design works within the design processes, UzEngineering RDI under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan has a group of ecology and environmental protection specialists.

The main competencies of the group of environmental design and regulation specialists are providing services related to solving problems that may arise at all stages of environmental impact assessment, and determining and supporting approval of environmental standards:

  • developing Draft Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS);
  • developing Environmental Impact Statements (EIS);
  • developing Statements of Environmental Effects (SEE);
  • determining environmental standards for the maximum allowable emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere (Source Inventory and Draft Environmental Standards for MAE);
  • determining environmental standards for maximum allowable discharges of waste water pollutants into the surface water bodies or terrain (Source Inventory and Draft Environmental Standards for MAD);
  • determining environmental standards for generation and disposal of production and consumer wastes (Source Inventory and Draft Environmental Standards for MAW).

As part of project development, we propose measures on mitigation of environmental impacts of the designed projects and existing enterprises; these measures ensure safety and sustainability of the environment.

A group of environmental design and regulation specialists executes the works for the facilities of category I, II, III and IV of environmental impact hazard (with high, medium and low risk of impact).

To get acquainted with the projects completed on this service, follow this link.

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